I dunno why I need to point out what should be obvious but, duh - of course Cho's are gonna tell on you! They get treated I'm jail, so they'd do just about anything, other than stop being predators, to not go back. And I know when y'all send me PW, that you're not expecting I'm going to post about you too but you kinda leave me no choice. HELLA SKETCHY THAT Schaefer has half a dozen recorded controlled buys done on him, yet we're supposed to believe it's normal that you didn't even get arrested on site??? And even after not showing up to your initial appearance, you didn't have to pay bail? Idk but I'd bet my right arm that dude Karst set told on people too!!!/
Also, I hate that I live on a planet where police officers would rather pay and let SEX OFFENDERS skate on their charges just to instead arrest drug offenders. How DUMB!
I have been hearing these two's names for a couple of months now from too many of y'all. They also were both recently arrested in Minneapolis MN, waiting on that paperwork and I will add it when it gets in my mailbox, I ordered it personally so yes, it is actually coming lol. But from what I have been hearing from like day one group members and followers is how these two set up and snitched on someone who had done absolutely nothing but look out for them and help them. This is why I can't stand when we post something and one of y'all can't wait to jump in and swear to gawd you been knowing them for your whole life and they would never, they do their time womp womp womp
yea right! Never EVER believe y Un ou are more important to someone then their freedom cuz mfs will snitch on you over paraphernalia tickets, if you don't believe me just ask Robb Carroll what he did a controlled buy on me for. yea a ticketable offense. If there is one thing that I have seen more than anything else over the years of doing this, it's that it always ends up being those closest to you, not the strangers you are sketched out about. Nah it is your family or your best friend or the person you have been helping take care of for a decade... These two care about nothing but getting high so please do not flatter yourself. NO ONE should be doing business with them. At least don't say we didn't warn you. 11/17/24
Some people wanna be cops so damn bad smh
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It is ALWAYS funny to me how people think that no one will ever know about how hard they went for the other side and tried to throw all y'all under the bus and really think or maybe just hope no one will ever know but then appeal like hello all the business is public then. Keep that in mind while you're giving the government a reach around trying to get out of your charges. THEY DO NOT GIVE AF ABOUT U any more than we do.
And when you tell them how you don't want your name in any paperwork and they quickly reassure you that no one would help them if they were in the business of leaking your information - Remember this, that is actually true like 23% of the time LOL but means absolutely nothing once those interviews are over because it is not them leaking the documents lol. It is called PUBLIC RECORD, go learn you something about that.
If this guy sees this - umm please don't come for me. I want no smoke. fr tho. I am just the poster. I do not know you and this is not a personal attack. There definitely be times where I read some shit and think to myself like damn I don't want to post this lol. But like what kinda punkazz beyotch would I be if I didn't, ya know> I don't pick and choose, if y'all send me something, I am going to post it
"They" say that there are only two kinds of federal inmates. Those who told, and those who wished they had told. I am not suggesting that it is cool to tell if you catch a fed case, I would like to point out however that way too many of y'all are out here doing fed worthy crimes knowing damn well you cannot handle a weekend in county. ME- I had the feds looking my way almost a decade ago and I am still scared. Because I know I don't want to do decades and I also do not want to tell on people, I no longer put myself in situations where this is possible. My suggestion is you take 10 minutes out of your day today and ponder whether or not you want to do either? If not, take your azz back in the house where you belong, I can tell you from xp, being bored and lame and at home will always still be better then being cool yet alone and miserable asf in prison.
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What the face of "I am about to tell on everyone" looks like...
Also would love to point out how I have been telling you guys for years NOT TO BELIEVE these fools that tell you that yea they told the police they would help them and work for them "just to get out" but then they never actually worked with them. This is perfect example of - who tf cares because YOU STILL TOLD THEM ENOUGH VERIFIABLE INTELL for them to let you out in the first place. The police are not stupid. And really think about it, these fools own mamas don't trust them, friends don't either but you easily believe that the police just believed them and let them out on trust lol stoppppppppit
ummmmm, incase y'all forgot
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Breanna Eggebrecht. Crazy, I've never seen cases just getting dismissed quit like that. After having the active warrant for 2 yrs. And repeater type shit. She just gets to walk? Insane. You know she gonna keep doin the same shit, selling drugs getting high getting busted and then snitching over and over. As if there ain't enough to worry about. She gets the official O.K. to keep doin it. My mind is blown for real.